Imam Baqir (peace be upon him) said

O Jabir, I swear to God, the hadith you obtained from an honest person, in the field of halal and haram, is more valuable than what the sun shines on it.

Bihar al-Anwar, volume 2, page 146, hadith 15

Sayyid Hossein Arab Baghi Library

To read the books of Seyyed Hossein Arab Baghi , just click on the book you want; But click to download the books..


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The book of Full ten And The Basis of Faith

The book of Full ten

The book of Full ten includes 11 important treatises as well as the Treatise the Basis of Faith, Author Sayyid Hossein Arab Baghi, click on the book you want to read.

God bless Muhammad and the family of Muhammad

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The Book of Salvation of Iran

The Book of Salvation of Iran

The book "Salvation of Iran" authored by Seyyed Hossein Arab Baghi (may Allah have mercy on him) contains 29 treatises, in each treatise questions are asked of the deceased and answered with the reasons of verses and hadiths.

God bless Muhammad and the family of Muhammad

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