Imam Reza (peace be upon him) said

May God have mercy on the one who revives the affairs of our province.He was asked how your order would be resurrected ؟ He said, learn our sciences, knowledge and hadiths and teach them to others because people will follow us if they get to know the beauty of our words.

Bihar al-Anwar, volume 2, page 30

Download Sayyid Hossein Arab Baghi’s books

List of books on this page

Islamic Law The second volume

Islamic Law The second volume

قانون الاسلام جلد 2
Number of Downloads

This honorable book is one of the most famous books of the late Sayyid Hossein Arab Baghi(may God have mercy on him) In the name of Qanun al-Islam, the second volume, which describes the rules and acts of worship, including the rules of ablution, the rules of prayer, fasting, Hajj, and the rules of women, etc So that people learn their rulings from honorable verses and authentic hadiths of Imams (peace be upon them) and do not need to imitate or refer to others. And follow the rules with knowledge and certainty And don’t follow the rules with your own opinion and imagination And this book consists of sixty articles…

Name of the book:

Islamic Law The second volume

Print type:


print :

Nasser Khosrow printing house

number of pages:

368 pages

Issue :

In expressing the rules and worships of Islam

Language :



12.74 MB

Islamic law volume one

Islamic law volume one

قانون الاسلام جلد 1
Number of Downloads

The author of the book of the late Sayyid Hossein Arab Baghi may Allah be pleased with him , called the Law of Islam the first volume, which has written the rulings according to the verses of the Qur’an and authentic hadiths. From the four Shia books. And this includes a hundred and eighty articles …

Name of the book:

Islamic law volume one

Print type:


print :

Nasser Khosrow printing house

number of pages:

361 pages

Issue :

In expressing the rules and rules of implementation of Islam

Language :



12.38 MB

Rules of Islam, first volume

Rules of Islam, first volume

قواعد اسلام جلد اول
Number of Downloads

This honorable book is also one of the most important books of the late Sayyid Hossein Arab Baghi,(may God have mercy on him) In the name of the rules of Islam, the first volume It is mentioned in two chapters, the first chapter of which contains seventy rules In expressing the beliefs of the people of Islam in the verses of the Qur’an and the hadiths of the Ahl al-Bayt of the Messenger of Allah, may God bless him and grant him peace,that this volume contains beliefs about prophethood, imamate, monotheism, and perfect attributes of God,And from the conditions of purgatory and questions and answers in the grave, the conditions of the Day of Judgment, and reckoning, Paradise, and Hell. And the attributes of the people of hell, and the punishment and the eagle of the people of hell And the conditions of the friends of the imaman, and the conditions of their enemies have been described And is about the executive laws of Islam And the second chapter of the first volume also mentions the rules of the principles of halal and haram, and the basics of Islamic issues.

Name of the book:

Rules of Islam, first volume

Print type:


print :

Heydari printing house

number of pages:

590 pages

Issue :

In expressing the beliefs and principles of halal and haram rulings

Language :



18.39 MB

Rules of Islam, volume two

Rules of Islam, volume two

قواعد اسلام جلد دوم
Number of Downloads

This honorable book is also one of the most important books of the late Sayyid Hossein Arab Baghi,(may God have mercy on him) In the name of the second volume of the Rules of Islam, which Seyyed Aziz gives in the introduction of this book, in this chapter, I will quote the rules of the branches of the Islamic religion from of the Shia books, which he narrated from the four Shia books.No documents and names of narrators، because in that book is narrated by just، true and reliable narrators، and I narrate some narrations with the narrator’s document and the name of the narrator، from the four books of Shi’a، because of the importance of the subject so that there is no doubt. And I will not state the details in this chapter, and I have mentioned them in the Islamic law. We will explain the issues of Islam from the Ahl al-Bayt (a) of the Prophet (s) so that the people of Islam and others will know what his religion is and what he has said in it.

Name of the book:

Rules of Islam, volume two

Print type:


print :

Heydari printing house

number of pages:

639 pages

Issue :

In stating the rules of the branches of Islam

Language :



19.74 MB

Rules of Islam, the third volume

Rules of Islam, the third volume

قواعد اسلام جلد سوم
Number of Downloads

This honorable book is also one of the most important books of the late Sayyid Hossein Arab Baghi,(may God have mercy on him) In the name of the rules of Islam, the third volume which is about the rules of divorces, the rules of atonement, the rules of cursing, the rules of swearing, the rules of vows, the rules of hunting, the rules of slaughter, the rules of limits, and of fines…

Name of the book:

Rules of Islam, the third volume

Print type:


print :

Heydari printing house

number of pages:

477 pages

Issue :

In stating the rulings from the beginning of divorce to the end of fines

Language :



18.85 MB

The Gift of Mahdavit Volume I

The Gift of Mahdavit Volume I

تحفه المهدیه جلد اول
Number of Downloads

The Noble Book of Gift of Mahdavit Volume 1 is one of the most famous books of the late Sayyid Hossein Arab Baghi (may God have mercy on him) which is in the statement of the condition of Hazrat Mahdi Sahib al-Zaman (may God bless him).From the names and nicknames, from the privileges and miracles, and the statement of the existence of the Night of Qadr every year and the descent of the Holy Spirit on the Imam of the Time, peace be upon him…

Name of the book:

The Gift of Mahdavit Volume I

Print type:


print :

Haghiri Publications

number of pages:

395 pages

Issue :

In describing the conditions of Hazrat Mahdi peace be upon him

Language :



10.95 MB

The Gift of Mahdavit Volume II

The Gift of Mahdavit Volume II

تحفه المهدیه جلد دوم
Number of Downloads

The Noble Book of Gift of Mahdavit Volume 2 is one of the most famous books of the late Sayyid Hossein Arab Baghi (may God have mercy on him) In describing the character and conduct of the Imam of the Time (peace be upon him) and the signs of his appearance, the cities of the Imam of the Time (peace be upon him) and the length of his noble life, and about the Dajjal and the duration of the cursed Dajjal…

Name of the book:

The Gift of Mahdavit Volume II

Print type:


print :

Khayyam Qom Printing House

number of pages:

336 pages

Issue :

In describing the character and conduct of Imam al-Zaman (peace be upon him).

Language :



9.06 MB

The rules of religion, the first volume

The rules of religion, the first volume

Number of Downloads

The Sharif Book of the Rules of Religion, the first volume, is the authorship of the late Sayyid Hossein Arab Baghi, (may God bless him) In the principles of the Islamic religion and the rulings of the branches of the Islamic religion, including obligations, halal and haram…

Name of the book:

The rules of religion, the first volume

Print type:


print :

Aftab Printing House

number of pages:

755 pages

Issue :

About the principles and rulings of the branches of Islam

Language :



23.60 MB

The rules of religion, volume two

The rules of religion, volume two

Number of Downloads

The Sharif Book of The rules of religion, volume two, is the authorship of the late Sayyid Hossein Arab Baghi, (may God bless him) In the principles of the Islamic religion and the rulings of the branches of the Islamic religion, including obligations, halal and haram…

Name of the book:

The rules of religion, volume two

Print type:


print :

Aftab Printing House

number of pages:

840 pages

Issue :

About the principles and rulings of the branches of Islam

Language :



25.91 MB

Ahlul Islam sermons

Ahlul Islam sermons

مواعظ اهل اسلام
Number of Downloads

The noble book of sermons of Ahl al-Islam was one of the pure compilations of the late Sayyid Hossein Arab Baghi (may God have mercy on him). In this book, the sermons of Amir al-Mominin Ali bin Abi Talib (peace be upon him) from the sermons of Nahj al-Balagha, Behar al-Anwar and Naskh al-Tawarikh are written in this book. By observing the four pillars of the sermon, and that our venerable Sayyid has translated it in such a way that even elementary people can use it…

Name of the book:

Ahlul Islam sermons

Print type:


print :

Aftab printing house at the expense of the late Haj Mokhtar Moini

number of pages:

414 pages

Issue :

In delivering the sermons of Hazrat Imam Ali (peace be upon him)

Language :



17.89 MB

The basis of faith

The basis of faith

Number of Downloads

The Sharif book was the basis of the faith of the late Sayyid Hossein Arab Baghi (may God have mercy on him). In this book, the important issue of hijab, which is one of the pillars of the religion and the rulings of Islam, which includes many rulings and innumerable benefits, is written by removing the important doubt of not understanding the place of a noble hadith regarding the obligation of hijab and niqab, according to the verses and solid hadiths, ready for download.

Name of the book:

The basis of faith

Print type:

New with legible font

print :

Aftab Printing House

number of pages:

48 pages

Issue :

And as for hijab and niqab, which are obligatory for women And clear the important doubt

Language :



368 KB