Imam Sajjad (peace be upon him) said

Whoever submits to us and follows us will remain healthy and be guided, but whoever acts according to his own opinion and doubts our words and orders in his heart, has disbelieved in God, but he himself does not know.

Kamal Al-Din Volume 2, page 4

Download the books of Sayyid Hossein Arab Baghi page 2

List of books

The science of certainty

The science of certainty

علم الیقین
Number of Downloads

The book Sharif The science of certainty from the writings of the late Sayyid Hossein Arab Baghi (may God have mercy on him) as an explanation of the virtues of the Commander of the Faithful Ali Ibn Abi Talib, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, is based on the books of Shiites and Sunnis…

Name of the book:

The science of certainty

Print type:


print :

Haghiri Publications

number of pages:

437 pages

Issue :

Explaining the virtues of the Commander of the Faithful, peace be upon him

Language :



12.54 MB

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Discover certainty

Discover certainty

Number of Downloads

The book Sharif Discover certainty from the writings of the late Sayyid Hossein Arab Baghi(may God have mercy on him) as an explanation of the virtues of the Commander of the Faithful Ali Ibn Abi Talib, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, is based on the books of Shiites and Sunnis…

Name of the book:

Discover certainty

Print type:


print :

Haghiri Publications

number of pages:

70 pages

Issue :

In explaining the virtues of the Commander of the Faithful, peace be upon him

Language :



2.01 MB

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اثناء عشریه
Number of Downloads

The Sharif Book of Twelve From the works of the late Sayyid Hossein Arab Baghi (may Allah have mercy on him) Regarding the condemnation of the transfer of the corpse, and regarding the pilgrimage of Imams (peace be upon them). And the rulings of the deceased and other important matters that are not mentioned here due to many matters…

Name of the book:


Print type:


print :


number of pages:

224 pages

Issue :

About the rulings of branches of religion

Language :



23.49 MB

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Dorat Al-Bayda

Dorat Al-Bayda

Number of Downloads

The Book of Dorat Al-Bayda From the works of the late Sayyid Hossein Arab Baghi (may Allah have mercy on him) It is mentioned in this honorable book First, one should ask the people mentioned in the Quran about the rules of Islam And secondly, God has forbidden to talk with suspicion in the verses of the Qur’a And thirdly, in stating that the issues of rulings and halal and haram of their publication are from the Qur’an.Fourth, the obligation to love the children and descendants of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace. The fifth is to grab the Ahl al-Bayt of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and his family, and other important matters…

Name of the book:

Dorat Al-Bayda

Print type:


print :


number of pages:

324 pages

Issue :

About asking and loving and other important things

Language :



11.57 MB

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Dora Al-Ghariyeh

Dora Al-Ghariyeh

Number of Downloads

The Book of Dora Al-Ghariyeh From the works of the late Sayyid Hossein Arab Baghi (may Allah have mercy on him) Regarding the important issues of inheritance and other important matters…

Name of the book:

Dora Al-Ghariyeh

Print type:


print :


number of pages:

191 pages

Issue :

Regarding the important issues of inheritance and other important matters...

Language :



20.61 MB

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Curricula Honorable

Curricula Honorable

Number of Downloads

The Book of Curricula Honorable From the works of the late Sayyid Hossein Arab Baghi (may Allah have mercy on him) In describing the designation of the Imam (peace be upon him) and the recognition and knowledge of the Imam (peace be upon him)

Name of the book:

Curricula Honorable

Print type:


print :

Haghiri publications

number of pages:

260 pages

Issue :

In describing the designation of the Imam (peace be upon him) and the recognition and knowledge of the Imam (peace be upon him)

Language :



21.19 MB

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Curricula Believers

Curricula Believers

Number of Downloads

The Book of Curricula Believers From the works of the late Sayyid Hossein Arab Baghi (may Allah have mercy on him) In explaining the interpretation of the verses of the Qur’an regarding the Ahl al-Bayt of the Messenger of Allah, may God bless him and grant him peace, with the correct hadiths of Sunni scholars and noble Shiites…

Name of the book:

Curricula Believers

Print type:


print :

Haghiri publications

number of pages:

422 pages

Issue :

In explaining the interpretation of a sentence of the verses of the Qur'an regarding the Ahl al-Bayt of the Messenger of Allah, may God bless him and grant him peace

Language :



30.93 MB

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The Righteous Curriculum

The Righteous Curriculum

Number of Downloads

The Book of Curricula Believers From the works of the late Sayyid Hossein Arab Baghi (may Allah have mercy on him) Regarding the objections of caliphs, and regarding defects, fatwas are from a group of jurists…

Name of the book:

The Righteous Curriculum

Print type:


print :

Haghiri publications

number of pages:

262 pages

Issue :

Regarding the objections of caliphs, and regarding defects, fatwas are from a group of jurists...

Language :



20.61 MB

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Curricula The knowers

Curricula The knowers

Number of Downloads

The Book of Curricula The knowers From the works of the late Sayyid Hossein Arab Baghi (may Allah have mercy on him) It means that there are similar verses in the Qur’an, and their interpretation is according to the established authority, and that one must obey the established authority…

Name of the book:

Curricula The knowers

Print type:


print :

Haghiri publications

number of pages:

299 pages

Issue :

There are similar verses in the Qur'an and their interpretation is with the imams

Language :



21.97 MB

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Issues of Najafieh

Issues of Najafieh

Number of Downloads

The Book of Issues of Najafieh From the works of the late Sayyid Hossein Arab Baghi (may Allah have mercy on him) In the expression of khums and property of Imam (peace be upon him).

Name of the book:

Issues of Najafieh

Print type:


print :


number of pages:

370 pages

Issue :

In the expression of khums and property of Imam (peace be upon him).

Language :



31.50 MB

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